The Odd Mix

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Location: Virginia, United States

Friday, March 03, 2006

Lovin' me some Software

I am using Blogbridge to follow all my favorite blogs. It lets me know when there are new posts and I can read them offline (like on the train - three hours every day). And, did I mention that it is free? And that it has not crashed my crash prone laptop even once?

Oh, yeah. Lovin' it.


Blogger mamatulip said...

It's nice when you find something that works.

Question, though, because I've never used anything like this. When you read the blogs offline do you see their templates or does it just come up like, message board style? How does it work?

2:36 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Odd Mix said...

You just get the text and the images whether you are on or offline. If you want to see how it really looks or if you want to see/leave comments you have to be online and click on the post and it launches in your default browser.

2:45 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Katie said...

Very cool. Thanks for the tip - I think I'll check it out.

8:30 PM, March 03, 2006  
Blogger Katie said...

BTW, I just subscribed and got hooked up. It's very easy and I already have all my blogs set up, but I can't subscribe to a certain feed called "The Odd Mix." Any idea why?

8:58 PM, March 03, 2006  

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