The Odd Mix

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Location: Virginia, United States

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Leaving Neverland

After seven magical days and nights and a 26 hour trip home, I am once again in the land of reality. The lawn is in desperate need of mowing; there are chores to be done; we have 36 cubic yards of luggage and shopping bags to unpack; and there is that pesky household move to complete.

But I have high-speed internet once again - and it is a good thing. Artoo and I kept (after discarding the overtly bad shots) over 1250 pictures. I have some serious editing, commenting, and uploading to do.

Sleep? Who needs it.


Blogger Lucky Lum said...

I hear ya!! It's called vacation wihdrawal.

9:59 AM, May 21, 2006  
Blogger Misti said...

HOY WOW!! thats a lot of pictures. glad you're back and hopefully tghe withdrawel won't last too long.

11:28 AM, May 21, 2006  

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